Landscape for people and wildlife.

   This website is designed for professional landscape designers, horticulturists, nurserymen, home gardeners, and anyone interested in improving the ecology of local environments for future generations of people, plants and animals.

The Native Plant Garden at Point Defiance Park in Tacoma, Washington

The Native Plant Garden at Point Defiance Park in Tacoma, Washington

 “Gardening should be the “greenest” occupation around, but in fact, many people adhere to landscaping practices that are harmful to the environment.”

…For our kids and our grandkids and many generations to follow…

Landscape with Native Plants for Native Wildlife & Food Plants for People!

   Many of these articles are specific to the author’s home region, the Pacific Northwest, but some may be applicable to any location.

Also check out my articles on the Westside Home & Garden Blog

Thanks for your interest!

Dana Kelley Bressette, MS.

Danas Devotion

This site is dedicated to Dean D. Kelley (1927-2012)

“A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in”—a Greek Proverb.

He grew grapes, apples, blueberries, rhododendrons and more!

He grew grapes, apples, blueberries, rhododendrons and more!

A Legacy of Gardening, My Dad, a Master Gardener

*All photographs on this site were taken by Dana, Edmund or Sky Bressette unless otherwise noted.

**Use of articles and photos on this site is permitted for educational purposes only.


  1. John Kisida says:

    I think I am late in replying here for last reply was almost a year ago. Now there so many farms involved in Land management , including EPIC , who are now sharing better ways to feed animals where the land dose not undergo such impact , and how to grow vegetables without pesticides , or GMO,s . There are so People who care and are standing up together for a better world for us and our children.

  2. Mario says:

    Doing some major landscaping work at our house now, and finding your website a very valuable resource. Thank you for posting this information!

  3. Rhene Johns says:

    Hi Dana,
    Your webpages are a valuable resource for landscape designing! Thank you.

  4. Judith K Thierry says:

    I’m going to share this website with my son who loves working out of doors where life is.
    I am a master gardener in UP and our community garden has a native plant walk. You can also see the native forest coming back with ferns, alders…
    Thank you for your website.

  5. Rita says:

    I love your tree logo and “we are the leaves…
    Do you sell same for framing?

    • habitatdana says:

      No, I am sorry Rita. I am not much of an artist, so I just did some photo-shopping and hand coloring of a couple other images that I found…

  6. don moeller says:

    Good work, good thoughts. Have forwarded the website address to my family.

  7. Rhene says:

    Lovely website, Dana. Thanks for the link! Living with wildlife is an attainable goal for those of us in the suburbs. Would like people to know that moles, voles, and other critters can work for our landscaping:
    Moles and voles create wonderfully aerated and fluffy planting soil
    Deer do the pruning so we don’t have to!
    Any predators lucky enough to be tolerated keep the whole system functioning
    Looking forward to the plant information too!

  8. Al D'Annunzio says:

    Good job Dana.

  9. Love it, Dana! Job well done!

  10. Pam Bressette says:

    Great job on the Web site, love the cover picture. The problem we have is an over abundance of wild life, Deer, Raccoons, Rabbits, Moles and the dreaded Mountain Beavers. With that being said incorporating native plants in our yard is a goal we have been working on.
    Thanks for creating this site, your Dad would be so proud and honored.

    • habitatdana says:

      Thanks Pam, I will upload my article on dealing with critters soon! Enjoyed dinner last night, and thanks for the comment and letting me know about it. I now know how to check and reply to comments!

      • Pam Bressette says:

        Looking forward to your suggestions on the critters as I am sure they will help others in the area with the same problem. Enjoyed your company also was lots of fun.

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