
I originally intended to publish my articles in a book, but decided to go ahead and publish them in a website, since everything is going digital nowadays and I was unsure if I would ever get it to a completion stage for print publication…there always seems to be more to add or edit! Meanwhile people can make use of these green gardening concepts, when it is really needed for the health and future of people, local ecosystems, and the earth itself!

The writing on this website represents many years of work.

*Sorry, I no longer send out emails. I occasionally make posts on my Facebook page…, if you are on Facebook, please “Like” my page.

Donations appreciated!

Dana Kelley Bressette

P.O. Box 436

Vaughn, WA, 98394

Make sure to include your email address!

Thanks for your support!


Dana Kelley Bressette


  1. Chris S says:

    Wow, I love your web site, photos, and first-person information! I found the page when searching for info about “Saskatoons.”
    I am way over in the Adirondacks of NY and we have Juneberries in the wild along forest edges. But I was hoping to get a shorter and more productive set of shrubs for the interior of my yard.
    Also, I am hoping to “be an Ark” to spread native plants that provide edibles to man and beast! The woods near my home are second-growth and unmanaged, so not the most supportive to life.
    Anyways, your work is beautiful! Please include me in your email list. I am in the east, but the principles are the same. Thank-you!

  2. Rebekah L. Elowyn says:

    Thank you so much for your website and all the plant info. We retired 2017 from the Bay Area of CA up to Port Townsend, WA. It is absolutely heaven here! We built our house on a .59 acre lot. The property has a 5% grade which is great for getting exercise while gardening — as if all the lunges aren’t enough!
    We wanted to create a safe meadow for all the native animals and plants that were already here. So we seeded the east third with wildflowers and clover. Fawns and their doe’s have breakfast and dinner in the meadow now. That is always magical! We also have wild rabbits, so far 46 species of birds at our feeders in the west third, and of course squirrels, chipmunks, raptors, snakes, bugs, and neighbors’ dogs.
    We also wanted to provide foods for bees and butterflies. Bees seem quite happy with the clover and wildflowers. We are beginning to see a few more butterflies. We hope they will ‘spread the word’!
    We have planted herbs [deer like oregano! who knew?], and 10 fruit trees. The deer ate 7 of them. Our protections were not adequate! We are replacing those but with enhanced protections. We still welcome the deer simply because they are so precious!
    I found your website because we are hoping to plant 3 berry bushes in the next year or so: Thimbleberry, Salmonberry, and Serviceberry. We haven’t been able to find them. Most nurseries have blueberries, rasp-berries, and blackberries. We are hoping to find them somewhere in the PNW. Do you know where we might find them?

  3. Lani Soules says:

    Hi, I’ve spent the last hour looking for your Facebook page (and joined a number of other interesting groups on the general subject).. could you please provide a link to YOURS..??


  4. Gareth McMullen says:

    please sign me up for your newsletter. Thank you

    • habitatdana says:

      Thank you for your interest. *Sorry, I no longer send out emails. I occasionally make posts on my Facebook page…, if you are on Facebook, please “Like” my page. I have edited this page to reflect this…

  5. Dianne Moffat says:

    Please include me on your email list. I am blessed to live in the Eden-like area of Hood Canal and want to learn much more about native plants.

    • habitatdana says:

      Thank you for your interest. *Sorry, I no longer send out emails. I occasionally make posts on my Facebook page…, if you are on Facebook, please “Like” my page. I have edited this page to reflect this…

  6. Shannon Sweeney says:

    Buying a house soon, and would love to have it be sustainably, eco-friendly, wildlife-supporting, landscaped.

    I am on Facebook but only use it for messaging. Followed many things of interest there, and might shut it down soon due to the issues with Facebook. If you ever send out a newsletter, please put me on a subscription list.

    Thank you!

    • habitatdana says:

      Thank you for your interest. *Sorry, I no longer send out emails. I occasionally make posts on my Facebook page…, if you are decide to keep your Facebook account, please “Like” my page. I have edited this page to reflect this…

  7. rebecca Westby says:

    Great site for us natural gardeners!

  8. I am new to all of this but i want to learn everything i can. Please send me the monthly newsletter. Thanks!

    • habitatdana says:

      Thanks, but I gave up on doing a newsletter. I have not been adding much to my website recently, but if you LIKE my Facebook page, you will get any updates when I do!

  9. Brianna says:

    Thank you for providing this website, I ama first year Horticulture student, and interested in habitat restoration, I am interested in learning as much as I can!

  10. Carrie Bemis says:

    Thanks for your terrific website. Please include me on your email list.

  11. Nancy Miller says:

    Will be reviewing your webpages for use with our local Idaho Native Plant Society. It looks quite promising. Since there is no chapter in Pullman our chapter in Moscow has quite a few WSU/Pullman members. My husband and I worked there about 20 years and we live on Moscow Mountain.

  12. Patty says:

    I sent you an email asking about a newsletter before hopping over to this site. Oops! 🙂
    Please sign me up. I can’t get enough of the knowledge you share.
    Thank you,

    • habitatdana says:

      Hi Patty, I don’t send out a regular email, but I share on my Facebook page when I have uploaded new content. Thanks for your interest., Dana

  13. Meredith Riley says:

    I’m interested in planting more PNW native plants, less watering and maintenance.

    • habitatdana says:

      Meredith, I (or my coworker Chris) can help you select native plants at Woodbrook Native Plant Nursery in Gig Harbor!

  14. Lindsey Ravina says:

    I am interested in so much of the information you present here. I would like to get updated information about your articles etc. I am also interested in contacting you about a educational/informational class for a small community that I am a part of. I have taken on the preservation and landscaping of the community which is Salmon Safe Certified, 2 protected wetlands, and several rain gardens. When you have the time please contact me through the email I provided.

    Thank you, Lindsey Ravina
    The Woods at Golden Given

  15. Jennifer Andrews says:

    This is a great start. I am interested in learning about more native plants for a backyard wildlife habitat designation and to plant along a creek. I look forward to seeing more information from you!

  16. Joe Hendricks says:

    Wonderful website!

    • habitatdana says:

      Thanks Joe, I am pretty pleased. There are a few things I’d like to change but am somewhat limited by the software I chose until I learn more about plugins and some limited coding perhaps. I may be asking for some advice now and then.

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